Do you like reading books before they come out? Do you know how to review books? If so, have you considered joining my Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) Team? Here’s how it works:
1. My ARC (advanced reader copy) Team gets a link to download the new book just before it comes out.
2. They download and read the book.
3. They post an honest review (as in, word reviews, not just the star rating system) on the book’s Amazon page (or the other review places they usually read from).
Why is this important? Because it allows prospective readers to have a better idea of whether or not the book is for them. This helps the book not only in sales, but it influences the algorithms so that Amazon shows it to more people. More sales mean I can finance more creative projects.
Unfortunately, I can’t take everyone, as nice as that would be. To make it easier to decide, I’ve come up with some requirements to qualify to join the team. You can message your “applications” to my author email:
1. You must have read at least two of my books. In your response, please tell me which ones you’ve read.
2. Must have reviewed at least two of my books prior to this book. (Send screenshots OR links so I know which reviews are yours.)
3. Must currently be able to leave reviews on Amazon or other bookseller product pages, such as Apple Books, Kobo, or Nook. Let me know in your application).
So thanks so much to everyone for your love and support! I’m so glad to have you! You help me make this all possible!