A rose mage wrestling with her humanity. A fae prince destined to fight alone. The ancient enchantress determined to tear their world apart. After the supposed defeat of the Eclipse queen, Rose has finally embraced her position as rose mage, and the world knows it. Most importantly, her parents, the crown prince and princess of…
Lo, How a Rose E’re Blooming
A Fantasy Author’s Christmas Musings: 2023 I wasn’t planning on writing the Rose of Destiny Trilogy. In fact, I was slated to start the Chronicles of the Time Stones Trilogy to follow up Legacy of the Time Stones Trilogy. But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t find the right structure. Not yet, at…
Brit’s Bookstore is going to sell ebooks, audiobooks, print books, merch, and more…all year long!
Opening my own online store has been absolutely thrilling. I love working directly with readers, and it’s a fantastic way to give you what I can’t offer through the big box stores. The logistics, unfortunately, have been a bit…complicated. Until now. Thanks to the ever-incredible Vin, we’ve got the store up and running…and we plan…
The Huntsman’s Heart: Excerpt #2
I’m still racing through this book! But in the meantime, here’s another sneak peek! (Remember, if you’re on my newsletter team, you’ll be getting an even LONGER sneak peek in your inbox!) So if you’re not signed up, make sure you do! The Huntsman’s Heart A Clean Fantasy Fairy Tale Retelling of Snow White Excerpt…
The Huntsman’s Heart (A VERY Rough Draft of Chapter 1)
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been asked for Henri’s Fortier’s love story over the years. He charmed us all (including his author) back in Beauty Beheld, and we fell in love with him even more as Prince Nicholas’s best friend in Cinders, Stars, and Glass Slippers. He jumped in as one of…
Rose of the Fae Soundtrack
Rose of the Fae Launch Party
It’s time foooooor… A BOOK PARTY IN A BLOG! As usual, to celebrate the launch of not only a new book, but a new series, we’re throwing ourselves a book party online…where you can attend in your pajamas with your snack of choice. So minor backstory here, this book is probably one of the most…
Protected: The Classical Kingdoms Collection Cover Reveal Party – (Non-Mage Version)
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Protected: The Classical Kingdoms Collection Cover Reveal Party
There is no excerpt because this is a protected post.
The Enchanted Wreath Launch Party-in-a-Blog!
The Enchanted Wreath A Clean Fantasy Fairy Tale Retelling of The Enchanted Wreath Gisele’s life has been a nightmare since her mother died. Can a faerie-blessed flower wreath and a few little birds change not only her fate…but that of her kingdom as well? Gisele’s stepmother has no greater purpose than to see her own…