Opening my own online store has been absolutely thrilling. I love working directly with readers, and it’s a fantastic way to give you what I can’t offer through the big box stores. The logistics, unfortunately, have been a bit…complicated.
Until now.
Thanks to the ever-incredible Vin, we’ve got the store up and running…and we plan to keep it that way.
Why now?
As you probably know, I’ve opened the store temporarily for merch and print sales in the last year. My last sale, which you guys so wonderfully attended, was timed to make sure I got all of the orders out so they would arrive by Christmas. I spoke true when I said it’s a lot harder to get books printed and shipped close to Christmas. I wanted to be absolutely certain that you got your orders by then. And thankfully, it seems everything has been printed, shipped, and delivered just as I’d hoped it would be!
So why open the store now after everyone has made their orders?
Honestly, I realized that I want this to be a part of my business model all the time. I love working directly with you, and I want to do it a whole lot more in the future. Of course, the closer we get to Christmas, the more dicey printing and shipping can be. I’m sleeping a whole lot better knowing you all got your orders already. But I realized that it made me sad to close the merch and print pages. I wanted to keep them open.
I also wasn’t sure how quickly we could get the print and merch item pages up and running, though. It’s one thing when the pages are meant to last one month. It’s another when you decide to make them permanent. My magician VA and I had to work hard to make sure everything was ready. (If I’m being honest, we’re not completely done…)
This next part of the business venture is simply because I love working directly with you, and I hope you do, too. We’re opening the store permanently on #ShopSmallSaturday (which is a week from today!). And as a thank you for being such wonderful readers, I’ll be releasing a coupon code to everyone who places and order through Cyber Monday.
Now, as we’re much closer to Christmas, printing and shipping will (of course) take longer. So I can’t make any promises as to dates. At the moment, thankfully, it looks like everything is still running pretty smoothly, and I’m grateful for that!
Note: Unfortunately, due to taxes and shipping, the store is still only open to US customers. I’m so sorry for my readers in other places! Please email me if you have any questions.
So what’s new?
For those of you who have been to my store’s website before, I have some fun new improvements to show you!

Items are going to be easier to find because we’ve got…*DRUMROLL* tabs!!! Now you can find exactly what you’re looking for using the table in the menu at the top! You can also find new books and items as well! We’ve got…
Yes, these have been open since the store began. And we’re keeping them there. You can always find my ebooks (including my pre-orders) here! And that includes the free ebooks such as The White Slipper and Before Beauty.

Did you know that I offer audiobooks on my site? Professionally narrated, you can find Before Beauty: A Clean Fantasy Fairy Tale Retelling of Beauty and the Beast, Beauty and the Beast: An Illustrated Fairy Tale Classic, and Cinderella: An Illustrated Fairy Tale Classic all in audiobook form! (You can also use the coupon code I sent out to all of my newsletter readers as well!)

Autographed Print Books
These have only been offered at certain times of the year in the past. But they’ll be available now all year long! Whether you’re looking for the perfect gift for that special book-love in your life, or you’d like these for your own birthday, now you can order them any time you like!
Book Merch
If you’re looking for something to add to your book experience, whether that’s a gift for someone else or something for your own enjoyment, you can find a range of book merch to please. From stickers to mugs to tote bags (and more to come) you’ll receive a handmade (by yours truly) gift made with love.
Book Boxes
So this is my personal favorite, just because I think book boxes are so much fun. (If any of my family members are reading this *ahem* book boxes are great.) An all-inclusive gift with a signed book and a host of other themed gifts to go with that book. These range from stickers to mugs to tote bags to audiobook download codes. You’ll have four or five to choose from (including a Rose of the Dawn pre-order) when the store opens, but if you want one that I don’t have, email me ( and let me know, and we can look into building a book box for you!

This whole venture is just so exciting. I’ve always hoped it could be a reality one day, and it is now! (As long as the Air Force doesn’t decide to intervene. Moving always complicates things…
As always, I want to thank you for your support. As many have said before, the big box store don’t take much notice when you buy from them. But small businesses really do. Because of you, my daughter can attend martial arts lessons. Your support helps pay our utilities bill. It makes a huge difference to small businesses when you support us because to us, every sale is a special one.
Now I’d love to hear from you! Did something catch your eye? Is there something you really hope to see? Let me know in the comments below!
I have thoroughly enjoyed your YouTube channel. I have listened to all of the books you have there, however The Seninel’s Song is not entirely there. It just stops.
How do I get an Audio recording of this book and the others in that series not on your channel? I have seen the 2 you have on Audible, but that is all.
I’m so glad you’ve enjoyed those! Unfortunately, creating the videos was extremely time-consuming, and something I didn’t have the time to continue. My goal is to get professional audio recordings done for all of my books, but that will take time, as it’s expensive. Before Beauty and The Sentinel’s Song are available as professionally recorded audiobooks on my website and in all major audiobook retailers, as well as through library apps such as Hoopla. I hope this helps!