It’s time foooooor…
As usual, to celebrate the launch of not only a new book, but a new series, we’re throwing ourselves a book party online…where you can attend in your pajamas with your snack of choice.
So minor backstory here, this book is probably one of the most difficult I’ve ever had to write. And not because I didn’t enjoy it. The Rose of Destiny Trilogy will probably be my favorite trilogy to date. But I really had to wrestle with it before I could see it for what it needed to be. So it’s a huge relief to FINALLY share it with all of you.
Also, I’m TOTALLY in love with these covers.
Backstory, this book was inspired when I was listening to the song, “Lo, How a Rose E’er Blooming.” As I listened, I was struck with the desire to write a story about a magical rose. After about an hour of brainstorming, and I was DYING to begin.
This series involves all of my favorite things:
- Childhood Sweethearts
- Fae
- Music/Word-Based Magic
- Elemental Magic
- Secret Societies
- Faerie (as in, the land)
- Forbidden Love
- Royal Bloodlines
- Magical Mystery
And because it’s my series, I got to throw in whatever else I felt like. MWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!
My goal for you, my dear reader, is for this party to make the book a truly immersive experience. So without further ado, let’s get started!
Rose of the Fae
A clean young adult epic fantasy
A rose mage who cannot utter her own name.
A fae prince who never had one.
The fae queen who desires to use them both to start her reign of darkness.
Favorite of the fae Queen of the Eclipse Court, Rose–or Ruby, as everyone knows her–had been raised with all the privileges and luxuries of a princess, despite being human. And all the queen has ever asked in return is for Rose–the only known rose mage in existence–to gather for her the magical rose oil. But the queen is no benign ruler, and Rose knows better than any the darkness and power the queen will use to get her own way.
So when the queen makes a request Rose dare not fulfill, she has no choice but to makes her escape from the queen’s dark domain into the magical–and dangerous–world of Faerie.
Despite his closest friend’s betrayal five years before, Prince Aemon and his followers escaped the Eclipse Court alive. So he’s shaken when his childhood friend–and betrayer–appears on his doorstep, this time begging for help. And though her story seems credible, Aemon wants little to do with Ruby…even if she’s blossomed into the most beautiful creature he’s ever seen.
But he may have no choice if they are to prevent the powerful oil from gaining unspeakable power. And as they and their friends flee north, they find that Vashti isn’t their only enemy. Rose’s humanity makes her a target for the local fae, as does Aemon’s lack of a True Name. And it quickly becomes undeniably clear that they must learn how to fulfill the roles they were meant to play.
For if Rose can’t become the rose mage the world needs…
If Aemon can’t complete his magic…
The Eclipse Queen will soon rule them all.
Read this young adult fae fantasy adventure today for complex, colorful magic, clean childhood sweethearts, forbidden romance, and the lore and legends of Faerie like never before.
Rose of the Fae is the first book in the Rose of Destiny Trilogy.
Rose of the Fae Soundtrack
You know I use music to help me find the right words for each story. Well, this is one of my favorite soundtracks ever. Pull it up so you know what to listen to as you dive into the world of the fae!
Welcome to Aerovain

Welcome to Aerovain, home of the fae, humans, giants, dwarves, and the mysterious wild men! And, of course, the Silver Rose.
A Rose of the Fae Bonus Story

What was it like for Aemon when his mother first presented him with the little rose mage? Find out in this bonus behind-the-scenes story that’s not in the book.
This bonus story and all the others will be sent out to Brit’s Bookish Mages, my newsletter subscribers who get all of my bonus content, sneak peeks, early purchasing access, book coupons, and more! If you’re not one of my Bookish Mages, you should be! If you’ve got your password, you can visit the Bonus Content page or follow the link in the email. If you’re not, you can use this link to join!
Rose of Destiny Trilogy Cover Reveals
Ready to see the whole series?

Aren’t they pretty?!?!?!
I’m kind of obsessed. If not to have the story, just to have those COVERS (Which I did NOT make) on my bookshelves.
Want to know what comes next? Here’s a hint at Rose of the Dawn, Book #2!
Rose of the Dawn
A clean young adult epic fantasy
A rose mage wrestling with her humanity.
A fae prince destined to fight alone.
The ancient enchantress determined to tear their world apart.
After the supposed defeat of the Eclipse queen, Rose has finally embraced her position as rose mage, and the world knows it. Most importantly her parents, the crown prince and princess of Aurorali, have heard as well. Which means it’s time for her to go home. But Rose finds quickly that she seems more fae than human after spending her entire life in the Faerie courts, and fitting in among the humans isn’t as easy as she’d hoped…especially as she longs to be back in Faerie with the man she loves.
Aemon has sworn to protect Rose at all costs, but he knows that without a True Name, he cannot make her his. To do such would be the ultimate downfall of them both. But that doesn’t stop the pain. There isn’t time to ponder such things, though, as Aemon knows his mother is still alive. And with trouble brewing on the southern border of Faerie, he needs to stay focused on protecting his people and being the prince he’s needed to be.
The precarious peace that has hovered over Aerovain after the Eclipse queen’s disappearance, however, is shattered when friends and enemies began to exchange places, and old prejudices must be faced. A familiar darkness arises, for the ancient enchantress is determined to separate allies and destroy them one by one. And she intends to begin at the heart–with the rose mage and the unnamed fae prince who alone hold the power to defeat her.
Pre-order this young adult fae fantasy adventure today for complex, colorful magic, clean childhood sweethearts, forbidden romance, and the lore and legends of Faerie like never before.
Rose of the Dawn is the second book in the Rose of Destiny Trilogy.
Want to get this next book as soon as it’s ready? You can pre-order here!
Thank you so much for coming to my launch party! I hope you had fun! If so, let me know what you think below!
Happy reading!