The day is finally here! The Prince’s Dangerous Wish: A Clean Fantasy Fairy Tale Retelling of The Pink is ready for you to read!
As I told my readers on Facebook the other day, this little book surprised me. It’s either a short novel or a long novella (After you’ve read it, you can decide), but compared to my other books, it’s not long. That said, I had to delve way deeper emotionally than I thought I would. Writing the heartbreak and trauma that would accompany kidnapping and brainwashing was not easy, and fitting it into a novella was even trickier.
That said, I’m really happy with how it turned out. Rolf and Bethan were put in situations that were beyond their control, and yet, they refused to be the victims. They found courage and truth when everything seemed dark, and it was exciting to watch them grow and change throughout their story. (And to write the bonus stuff that comes after!)
Now some of you have already read this little novel because you chose to purchase it early through my personal store. (If you did that, thank you, by the way!) Whether you did or didn’t, however, I have new shinies ready for you today!
What is a party-in-a-blog? I’m glad you asked. For the majority of my launches, I have what’s called a party-in-a-blog, which is an online launch party that you can attend from the comfort of your own home in your pajamas with a bowl full of snacks. (Which I hope you enjoy for me as well, as I’m chugging coffee here on my end.) I provide fun online games and goodies for you to celebrate the launch of a new book!
Now that that’s all taken care of…let’s party!
The Prince’s Dangerous Wish: A Clean Fantasy Fairy Tale Retelling of The Pink

No six-year-old boy means to kidnap another child. Not on purpose, at least…
When the faerie Healanie promises Queen Nadine a child with a gift, Nadine never expected the gift to be such a curse. But after discovering that her son has the ability to receive nearly everything he wishes for, she does her best to protect him from the world and from himself. When the manipulative castle cook learns of the boy’s gift, however, he loses no time in stealing him away and convincing him that he’s saved the child from the dangerous world beyond.
Prince Rolf’s captor is his own undoing, however, when he convinces the heartbroken little prince to wish for a friend to grow up with. Little did he know that such a small, headstrong girl could help the prince discover the truth–and courage–he would need to one day set everything to rights.
Delve into these standalone fairy tale retelling novellas of lesser-known tales as told by Wendy and Peter Pan. The Nevertold fairy tales are not set in the same world as the Classical Kingdoms Collection, but they have the same clean romance, magical mystery, and happily-ever-afters.
The Prince’s Dangerous Wish Inspirational Soundtrack
As usual, I’ve made a playlist of the songs I used to inspire me to write this little book! After giving it a listen, I’m sure you can figure out which songs went with which parts. If I had to pick a song to be the theme, however, it would definitely be this new rendition of Easy on Me. It was like diving into Rolf’s heart and hearing his plea to Bethan for forgiveness and grace and love.
Wishes: A Prince’s Dangerous Wish Bonus Story

In this bonus story, I went back to one of the most pivotal points toward the end of the book and wrote it from Bethan’s point of view. Without giving too much away, Bethan’s character is possibly the most sympathetic in this book. Her lot in life is far from fair. So when she finally gets the chance to choose what she wants, the choice isn’t easy. The past is full of pain, and she carries those scars with her. But what she chooses for the future has the potential for something new.
This bonus story is for my Bookish Mages! If you’re not already, make sure you join Brit’s Bookish Mages to get not only this bonus story but all of my other bonus content, such as free books, coloring pages, book coupons, and more!
Want more bonus stories?
I have more planned! But first, we need to make sure we get those reviews in! After releasing the main bonus story for each book I write, I plan for more. But these bonus stories are only released after we reach milestone reviews for each book. The first is 25 reviews, then 50 after that! Here are a few covers for the Nevertold Fairy Tale bonus stories so you can see what’s coming!
Why do I ask for reviews? Because they help other readers discover and choose the books they might love as well. We know the power that reviews can have on our buying practices. (As readers, we all use them.) And not only do they help readers make their reading decisions, the more ratings and reviews a book has, the more that stores like Amazon and Google Play will promote it. So if you love the story and have a moment, please consider leaving a rating and/or review on your retailer of choice and/or Goodreads!
(If you’re looking to see which bonus story will be next for Prince’s Dangerous Wish, it’s going to be that bright pink one called “Blossom.”

Looking for your next read?
If you’ve already breezed through this book, don’t worry! Here are some more!
The Enchanted Wreath: A Clean Fantasy Fairy Tale Retelling of The Enchanted Wreath
Nevertold Fairy Tale Novellas, Book #3
Gisele’s life has been a nightmare since her mother died. Can a faerie-blessed flower wreath and a few little birds change not only her fate…but that of her kingdom as well?
The White Slipper: A Clean Fantasy Fairy Tale Retelling of The White Slipper
What can a poor apothecary offer the princess who has it all?
Before Beauty: A Clean Fantasy Fairy Tale Retelling of Beauty and the Beast
Can the accursed prince and broken beauty move beyond their hatred for one another, not only to break the curse and save their kingdom…but to find love as well?
Thank you so much for coming!!!
Have you already Read The Prince’s Dangerous Wish? What did you think? Drop your comments and thoughts on this party and the book in the comment section below!
I left my review of The Prince’s Dangerous Wish this morning. Loved it!