Maundy Thursday Musings…

I recently had an objection to my dedication in The Seer’s Secret, partly offended by my claim to objective truth.
I’m going to preface by saying that even if you don’t agree with my worldview, you are still a welcome member of this community. I love you and value you because I believe you are all made in the image of God. And even if you disagree, I will treat you with the dignity that status brings. I value all human life, and I accord you the right to disagree.
That said, I always find it interesting when objective truth is attacked as being untrue. Because the claim itself insists that there is a truth, and objective truth isn’t what is really true.
See where that argument begins to go in circles?
I write my stories with the worldview that there is such a thing as objective truth. Yes, I know this is unpopular in some circles, but it’s my art, so that’s how I write it.
Because if there isn’t such thing as objective truth, we really can’t blame Sauron for his attempt to take over Middle Earth. Because if there is no objective truth, there is no law against murder.
We can’t hold the White Witch accountable for terrorizing Narnia. After all, she’s only holding to HER truth, and if our truths don’t align, then she must follow her heart…even if her heart insists on turning innocents to stone and keeping them in their dungeons.
If there is no objective truth, we can’t be angry with Voldemort for trying to kill a baby and setting Dementors on children.
If there is no objective truth, Doloras Umbridge gets a free pass for child abuse and betrayal.
I write all of this because it’s Maundy Thursday, the night Christians remember Jesus’s arrest. The night before Pontius Pilate asked Jesus the question…
“What is truth?”
It’s a question we must all ask ourselves. The answer brings us to a choice between life and death. It brings us to eternity.
After all, if we don’t believe in the fight between good and evil, why look for a happily ever after all?
I actually saw the review in question and I was so annoyed on your behalf, lol! So true. Truth matters. The answer to “what is truth” is Jesus Christ. <3
Aw, thank you so much!
I was very impressed with your writing on the Seer’s secret and Can’t wait for the second book. The allegorical aspects I really appreciated and felt it added depth.