It’s Launch Day!!!!
The Seer’s Secret is officially here!
Which means not only can you delve into this epic fantasy world, but you’ve got this party in a blog to attend. Because I like parties.
For those of you who haven’t attended a Party in a Blog yet, this is how it works. I write a number of fun posts that are all found through this main post. Below you’ll find links to each “event,” and you can choose what and how many to “attend.”
And you can do it all in your pajamas because we roll like that.
So sit back and enjoy party time from whenever, wherever you like.
Event #1: How will You Read The Seer’s Secret?

Event #2: The Seer’s Secret Soundtrack
Event #3: Mythical Creatures Research Books
Event #4: What’s Your Quest Contest

Event #5: Out of Darkness – A Seer’s Secret Bonus Story
Event #6: The Seer’s Dragon Cover Reveal and Excerpt

Did you visit all of the events? What did you think? Let me know in the comments!
Yeppers. Visited all the events. LOVE your book parties. Kinda already saw Book #2’s cover ‘cause I pre-ordered it with the first. ;0)