I’m kind of thrilled to say this, but…
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So this is the most fun I’ve ever had writing a book. I mean, I have fun with every book. But most of my books are rather deep and soul-rending, and to have one that basically took me home (Vegas girl here) over and over again during the Pandemic when travel is a no-go…well, it was the next best thing.

But honestly, the fun wasn’t just because I got to “visit” my old stomping grounds. Skylar is one of the most dynamic characters I’ve ever written, and giving her a happily ever after was a breath of fresh air. The fact that she has very little internal filter made the dialogue especially fun to write. She says all the things many of us want to say but don’t. I could slap down a lot of those things that have crossed my mind but wouldn’t be appropriate for my usual characters to say. So the sarcasm is off the wall.

I also wrote this for my fourteen-year-old self, the one that never fit that perfect mold. Honestly, that’s all of us, isn’t it? No one fits the perfect mold because no one’s perfect. And a lot of us are still that awkward junior high kid at heart. But social media and advertising tell us otherwise, and I really just wanted to see that girl get Prince Charming. Even if Prince Charming doesn’t know he needs her…at first.

Imperfect heroes and heroines are my favorite kind of people to write. Few things annoy me more in a book than perfect characters. Because perfection isn’t real. Not in people, at least. We’re always in a struggle of some sort, whether that’s with sin or self-doubt or particular situations, we’re not perfect people. And I find it way more satisfying to get the flawed, loveable characters happy endings that they’ve had to earn than to grant Happily Ever Afters to people who are so fantastic they don’t even need a character arc.

And don’t think that Chris is perfect either. He’s got his own demons to face, and that’s going to be hard. Because while Skylar knows her weaknesses, Chris tends to avoid his. That fall into reality has a hard landing.

As always, this is a clean romance (they always will be), and has Christian undertones. It’s not meant to be preachy, though. Rather, it has themes I’m passionate about. I basically wrote it so that if my daughter ever gets into them before I think she’s ready, she won’t learn much that’s new.” It also has its traditional fairy tale theme, this one being themed after ‘The Princess and the Pea.”
Even if you’re usually partial to my fantasy books, I really hope you try this one. You’ll find that it has the same “flavor” of romance as my fantasies, and similar humor. It’s got the typical depth and character development. The only difference is that there are no epic battles, modern phrases are used, and I can let my sarcasm fly. Also, there are no goblins. (But there is a really terrible ex-girlfriend, so she might count.)
So, if you’re wondering about whether or not you should read this book, as Skylar would say, “Why not?”
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