I’ve always loved Nana. In my years of watching the Disney version of Peter Pan, I always thought Nana was the most undervalued character in the entire movie. (Same for the actual book.) So when I knew I was going to write my own rendition of Peter Pan, I decided Nana was going to have her rightful place.
And she got it. The way I gave it to her was by choosing a perfect model, someone who has a fantastic personality and would guide me as I made character decisions throughout the book. So I did the best thing I knew how.
I asked K.M. Shea if I could borrow her dog.
Yes, you’ve met her before. Perfect Dog is K.M. Shea’s best friend in the whole world, and she was EXACTLY who I felt would be the perfect Nana. Kitty very kindly let me pester her with questions about her dog at weird hours of the night. And it paid off. Because I think you’re going to adore Nana.
That wasn’t enough, though. I felt it only right that you not only to know Nana, but that you also know Perfect Dog. For she deserves to be known, and today, you get to meet her.

Q1: You lead a somewhat private life, excepting the pictures your master insists on sharing on social media. What convinced you to officially model for the role of Nana in this new retelling of Peter Pan?
The good sense of the author. Master showed me the pictures of Master’s book covers that Fichter altered so her fairy tales all had me on the cover instead of the original models. Fichter has good taste.
Q2: The Nana in the original Peter Pan story acts as the nurse to the Darling children and doesn’t get to go to Neverland. In Fichter’s version of the story, Nana ventures to Neverland to watch the children there as well. She also has quite a stubborn streak. What was it about the original Nana that you wished to clarify or change in this version?
Obviously, Nana’s dedication was faulty in the original. Any good herding dog will follow her flock wherever they go! (Because Wendy and those children would never know what to do without some good canine guidance!)
Q3: Why don’t you like Peter Pan?
It is my policy to dislike any single male. They are suspicious. And may try to take my humans from me, but they can’t because they are MINE!
Q4: If you were to rewrite the story, how would it end? Would Wendy and Peter live happily ever after?
If I wrote it the way it should properly be told, Wendy and the children would listen to my sound advice and STAY IN THEIR PEN. I mean home. Yes. And that suspicious Peter would only be allowed to visit if he submits to a thorough sniff inspection every time.
Q5: What is your favorite snack?
Chicken! Or Pancakes! Or maybe blue berries. Oh–or my pumpkin biscuits. I like food.
Q6: Do you have any of the same troubles with your master that Nana does with Wendy?
Yes. My master is forever running off where I cannot properly boss her. It’s a deficiency she hasn’t grown out of.
Q7: What do you appreciate most about your master?
Snuggles and belly rubs. And she knows just how I like my face rubbed! Although she is stingy with my treats.
Q8: It’s rumored that Fichter offered you no monetary compensation for your pivotal role in her book. Are you planning to take legal action against her?
No. It’s natural to want to base characters off me. I am beautiful and charming–and I excel at bossing.
Q9: Would you be interested in starring in more books in the future? Or is fame and fortune repugnant to you after this little venture?
Naturally, I am a gift that must be shared with the world! And I won’t be satisfied at least until my popularity surpasses that cat master used as her model for her Puss in Boots book.
Q10: Is there anything you wish the human world to know?
Yes, I have a magic belly that will solve all your problems, you just need to rub it. If you ever see me I will let you rub my belly–I’m very giving like that. Oh–and in order to fully appreciate my charming self, you ought to read Fichter’s Peter Pan. (So you, too, can see how suspicious that Peter is!)
Well, there you have it. Isn’t she fantastic? I KNEW she was perfect for the job. Well, if you want to get to know her any better (I mean, who wouldn’t?) you’ll just have to read Neverland Falling: A Retelling of Peter Pan, Part I. If you want to leave a message of love for Perfect Dog, do so in the comments, and I’ll send them over for Perfect Dog to see!