For those of you who haven’t read Gary Chapman’s book, The Five Love Languages, you should. It was eye-opening to me and really helped me understand my husband and family members better. I learned that not only do people feel loved the best when they receive care in their main love language, but they also tend to give their form of love to others first.
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I also use these love languages to better understand my characters. What motivates them to love on others? How do they show their loves best? How do they need to be loved?

The Five Love Languages in a nutshell:
1) Physical Touch – Holding hands, cuddling, giving a shoulder rub, etc. Any sort of (non-intimate) touching. These individuals need to have someone within reaching distance. Holding hands means the world to them.
2) Words of Affirmation – These people feel most loved when they’re being showered in kind, meaningful words. They’re also most hurt when words are cruel.
3) Quality Time – These individuals feel unloved if they’re not given time specifically for them. They don’t need presents or lots of praise so much as they need time with their loved ones.
4) Gifts – The gifts don’t have to be expensive, but those who love gifts are touched when others think of them enough to give them things. Whether that be a daisy picked while on a walk, a card, or gifts that could cost more or less, these people need physical reminders of their loved ones’ affection.
5) Acts of Service – These people show their loves, rather than telling it. They replace tires, provide lunch, and think of all sorts of practical ways to express their affections.
- Ever (The Becoming Beauty Trilogy) – Acts of Service: Let’s face it. Ever is awful when it comes to verbalizing his feelings. That’s pretty much why he got himself into so much trouble in Blinding Beauty. He knows how to do things for people, but that’s about it. While this makes him a poor candidate for shows like “The Bachelor” (because pummeling people is frowned upon in that kind of spotlight), it makes him an excellent warrior, king, and husband, sacrificing all he has to provide and protect those he loves.
- Isa (The Becoming Beauty Trilogy) – Quality Time: Isa just wants to spend time with her husband. After spending years as the town outcast, she loves little more than time with those she loves. Unfortunately, Ever’s a bit bull-headed at first when it comes to this. But eventually, he begins to see that Isa doesn’t see him through his father’s eyes. She sees him as her best friend.
- Kurt (Girl in the Red Hood) – Words of Affirmation: Kurt has a lot of pressure at home. He’s supposed to marry the woman he loves, essentially damning her in the process. And because he rebels against this, Liesel’s words of faith and encouragement mean the world to him, building him up when the world seems intent on tearing him down.
- Liesel (Girl in the Red Hood) – Acts of Service: Liesel’s dad is…well, he won’t be winning Dad-of-the-Year anytime soon. Having someone she can rely on the way she was able to rely on her mother is what she wants most in life. Kurt has some pretty big shoes to fill, so it’s a good thing he’s willing to give it all.
- Michael (Silent Mermaid) – Acts of Service: Michael is flabbergasted when Arianna risks her own life to get pearls to save his kingdom. His grandfather seemed to do everything in his power to tear his kingdom down, so when Arianna shows up to save the day, Michael is overwhelmed.
- Arianna (Silent Mermaid) – Gifts: The highlight of Ari’s time with Michael (before her aunt showed up an ruined everything), was when Michael bought her a new pink dress. Sure, Ari was taken care of just fine before, but aside from the necklace, which was a gift from her aunt, she hasn’t lucked out when it comes to presents from adoring fans.
- Nicholas (Cinders, Stars, and Glass Slippers) – Physical Touch: Nicholas is a smooth-talking lover-boy. But having someone to hold in his arms seems to be a recurring need. It’s a good thing he finally manages to snag Elaina. She’ll give him a good reason to keep his hands where they’re supposed to be…firmly in hers.
- Elaina (Cinders, Stars, and Glass Slippers) – Acts of Service: Elaina’s life is about serving others. And when others don’t fulfill their own duties, she gets ticked. Thankfully, Nicholas, though a little distracted sometimes, is a man of his word, and deep down, he holds honor in a high place. It just takes him a while to find it. When he does, however, Elaina can’t get enough of him.
- Kartek (The Green-Eyed Prince) – Acts of Service: Like Elaina, Kartek lives for her people. Because of this,
Kartek will honor anyone who helps her people…and likewise, she’d like to string up anyone who tries to hurt them. This is why she finds it so difficult to find affection for her new husband when he shows up and wiggles his way into her life. Difficult…but not impossible. Unsu (The Green-Eyed Prince) – Quality Time:Unsu finds it disgusting that Kartek’s first fiance liked to strut around and show her off like a prized horse. So when he gets his chance tobeing the one to walk by her side as they make their way into the world, he does his best to prove that he’llcan do it best.- Jack (An Unnatural Beanstalk) – Words of Affirmation: Words mean a lot to Jack, which means he’s been torn down a little at a time for years under his mother’s sharp tongue. When he discovers sweet Eva, however, he sees (and hears) beauty that he’s only dreamed of in his life. She builds him up where others have broken him down, and her words of encouragement bring him bravery like he’s never known it before.
- Eva (An Unnatural Beanstalk) – Quality Time: Eva is a happy homebody. This, of course, makes it all the worse when she’s kidnapped by a horrid duke and kept away from everyone she holds dear. The arrival of Jack is too good an opportunity to miss as she desperately tries to keep one kindred soul within arm’s reach…and close enough that they can share many eye rolls at the duke’s stupidity.
- Katy & Peter (The Autumn Fairy Trilogy) – Physical Touch: Katy and Peter are an interesting pair. They grew up together, much like siblings, and they’ve never known a time when they weren’t comfortable with touch. The world around them is dangerous and cruel, and they find their best respite in one another’s arms. This makes everyone around them slightly nauseous
sometimes, when they get a little too comfortable for royals, but it only makes them stronger as they derive strength from one another. - James (Clara’s Soldier) – Words of Affirmation: James has been hounded by monsters for a long time, both in the world, in his head, and in his heart. Clara’s words of confidence that she wrote in her letters have bolstered him through every time he nearly gave up. If it hadn’t been for her kind sentiments, his story might have turned out very differently.
- Clara (Clara’s Soldier) – Physical Touch: Clara feels safest in James’s arms. Childhood sweethearts, they’ve never been apart before he joined the military. This distance makes it all the more difficult for her as she lives without his presence and his touch. And she would give anything to have that back again.
Jaelle [A Curse of Gems (Summer 2019)] – Quality Time:Jaelle has lived a life void of many pleasures. The one person who made it bearable, however, is the one who has been by her side through thick and thin. And when that person sends her away,Jaelle will do nearly anything to get her back.- Lucas [A Curse of Gems (Summer 2019)] – Words of Affirmation: Lucas is easy on the eyes and smooth with the ladies. It’s easy to mistake his swagger for perfect confidence, though, and though many wouldn’t think it, words can cut him to the core.